Friday, March 9, 2012



My mom grew up with a love of books . In the summers her parents took her to the country where she would spend hours reading under a tree. I remember as a child, how my mom delighted in sharing this experience with me. My mom loved words as much as she loved reading. One of her favorites books was "Gone with the Wind".

My mother was born in 1924 and in her teens there was no such thing as a televison. I think that her mind and love of reading made it possible for her to only imagine and see what it might have been like to travel the world. My mom always had a quest for learning something she took well into her aging years.

Today my husband and I were going to see a tour of the New York Public Library( 42nd St & 5th Ave.). It is a treasured New York City Landmark. Probably rated as the greatest library in the United States and ranked very high in the world. The collection of books and the beauty of this institue can take ones breath away.

Yet I, as a young child did not share my mom's love of literature. I excitedly shared with her about my planned trip to visit the library which she had very little response to. She did say "oh are you going to buy a book"? So somehow, my mom was able to connect the dots in what a library might be. Her love of literature, reading and words are all but now gone. Yet she still can spell and is actually pretty good at it.

Her disease has not only stolen from her most of memory, it has also stolen her love of reading. With macular degeneration and no concentration reading for my mom seems to be impossible.

I tried to lighten the conversation ,probably more for myself than her, and shared with her that maybe one day "our book"will appear on the shelves of the library. Mom answered with "maybe one day, one never knows".

I smiled to myself because somewhere as my mom slips away there always seems to be some shimmer of light as her words of reason still flow from her.

This may not seem like a miracle for most people, yet for someone who has had Alzheimer's for at least 7-8 years my mom seems to be holding on. Of course not in many ways, yet the ways that are left for me are stilll so dear to my heart.

Each day I get to love my mom some more and to share with her whatever we have left. Each day that I hear her say to her caregiver when I phone ," oh my daughter's on the phone" means more to me than words can really say. So to my mom who has become my best friend I will also say "little things can mean alot". Thanks mom, for who you are.


  1. My Mother suffered with this dreaded disease for at least 14 years before she left this world. Alzheimer's is horrible and to watch a loved one go through it is truly life changing. I am sorry you are going through this. My Mother died in 2005 and I am happy that she is now no longer suffering. Much love to you and your Mother. Enjoy every coherent moment.

  2. Your post brought back memories of David and his love for reading. He loved to read and would read anything and everything. It was a sad time for me when I realized he was reading less and less. So much of his time had been spent reading, and all of a sudden there was more time on his hands with nothing he could do.

    I know you and your mom are enjoying your special times.....

    Oh how I wish Alzheimer's had a cure!
